Thursday 7 June 2012

Intangibly Successful

Good Morrow Cyberspace.

I come to you today with no previous agenda. I come to you today with no specific topic in mind, but in the mood to write. So write I will. I'm just not quite sure what about I'm just gonna write and see where it goes.

I realized something yesterday. A couple of weeks ago I had a discussion with a friend about success. His contention was that he had always been somewhat afraid of it. Afterwards, I found myself returning over and over to this point. The fear of success...a very interesting idea.

It makes perfect sense. I assume it's much the same as what I experienced after I finally saw a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert (you can read about it here). I don't think I would necessarily classify this feeling as a 'fear of success,' but more of a loss of direction.

We are told throughout our childhood to pick our give our life an aim; a purpose; a path to travel. But nobody prepares us for reaching whatever destination it is we have set for ourselves. Whenever I have scored a victory against circumstance and achieved one of my many goals, I've been left with a sense of "Now What?"

While I was thinking these thoughts yesterday,  I realized something. My life is pretty much perfect. The only thing that's amiss is that I don't have a career, but I'm working toward it. Sure, my car needs a piece of the exhaust welded...I want a house...I still want to travel to exotic places. However, I have an incredible relationship with an amazing and beautiful woman...I have an extremely smart daughter who is also hilarious and unbelievably gorgeous...I have friends and family that I can count on when I need to. The only problem in my life is money - and in less than a year I'm more than confident that will cease to be an issue.

I don't know how I feel about all of this. Once I officially start my career, I will literally have everything I want. Of course, I was raised in a capitalist society, soooo I will probably want more by that time. As of right now, there are only two things left on my bucket list - get started in a successful career and publish a novel...and I feel now that I can reach both of these pinnacles with a relative level of ease. Maybe I'm just cocky.

Either way, I guess my point is this - how much do we really need to be happy? My happiness does not live in the tangible realm of our lives in the same metaphysical place as my consciousness. Everything that actually impacts my life, aside from the quest for sustenance, is governed entirely by things that I can't see or touch. Is it the same for you?

Peace and Love
The Critical Stranger

As always thoughts, comments and suggestions are encouraged and appreciated!

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