Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Our Superhero Society

Ola Cyberspace,

I just found out that they are re-making the Spiderman movies. Already. I watched the preview and quite frankly it looks like it's going to be terrible. I don't really care either way, I'm not a huge Spiderman fan (even though I still think he takes Batman in a fight) or much of a fan of most superhero movies. But that's now...when I was young, I loved pretty much every hero story I heard. I think everyone did, judging by the success of the plethora of superhero movies that have been released over the past decade or so.

Why? Why do we have this fascination with heroes? Why do we flock to see a person in a disguise beatin' up bad guys? I have a couple of reasons.

The first of my theories is this: We all want to be revered. Everyone wants some affirmation for their accomplishments. Being praised in the public eye is the apex of affirmation. Imagine how it would feel to have a parade or group celebration in your honour, as is seen in many superhero stories. This goes hand-in-hand with my second point - most of us want to be celebrities. I'm absolutely shocked at the obsession our modern society has with celebrity (I'll save that for another blog) and how even the most heinous acts can be condoned simply because of status.

Another plausible explanation for the success of superhero 'stuff' is that it allows the character in the story to choose their own identity. I think that this is huge. While everyone does get a chance to choose who they are, I feel as though most feel as though they don't have that choice. The social norms of our families are probably the biggest influence on our personality growing up - I think most of us try to fit whatever mold our parents and families want us to fit. I'm sure that you, as I have in the past, have allowed an opportunity to pass you by because you thought it may disappoint your friends or family. Who wouldn't want to put on a mask or suit (for all you heroes AND villains out there) and become someone's an escape - and often in the stories, a mostly consequence free escape - from the constraints of everyday life and society.

The final reason (saving this for a different blog, so this is extremely abbreviated) is that we've been bred in our society to believe that doing good for others is the ultimate retribution for our wrongdoings. (I bet you really want to read my blog about that right about now, eh...all in good time...)

Evidence of our superhero mentality is absolutely everywhere. How many times have you witnessed a bar fight? Two people trying to show their superiority over one another by ruthlessly beating each other is only each one trying to up their status and change everyone's opinion of them. Why is Halloween so much fun for so many people, especially adults? Because we are free to choose our identity and costume ourselves accordingly. Why do people have thousands of Facebook friends? They are trying to attain that celebrity status.

All of these things combine to form what Hollywood is now blatantly taking advantage of - a society filled with wannabe heroes. That's all well and good, but when will I see Hollywood make a movie about a scientist who develops a type of renewable agriculture that would allow every mouth on the planet to be fed? That's a true superhero. Let's get rid of our Hollywood connotation.

Peace and Love
The Critical Stranger

As always thoughts, comments and suggestions are encouraged and appreciated!


  1. I can't travel faster than a speeding bullet.
    I'm not stronger than a locomotive.
    I cannot leap tall buildings or fly.

    My love can travel faster than thought.
    My courage is stronger than any metal or stone.
    My knowledge and imagination let my mind travel wherever it chooses.

  2. C'mon Teke...we all know you can do all those things - and you're definitely more like OverLord Man
