Friday, 30 March 2012

The Role Model Model

Hey there Cyberspace.

I'm not gonna lie to you...I have to cheat today. I'm helping a friend move in about fifteen minutes, so not much time to write. So I'm gonna go ahead and share with you an assignment I wrote in class. It sounds a little cocky, sure, but it really jives with my theme of being yourself. I hope you enjoy.

               If I could be anyone in the world, alive or dead, I would most definitely choose myself. I feel as though this should be everyone’s answer. I understand that there are and have been lots of amazing people throughout history and in present times. I understand that there are a great many inspirational stories. I understand that everyone has role models. I also understand, however, that role models, inspirational stories and amazing people are all brought about by conviction. If these same people had been too afraid to be themselves, to stand for what they believe in, to conquer all obstacles in their way, their stories would not exist. I want to write my own story.

              To this point, I feel as though my life has been fairly run of the mill. My parents divorced when I was five. I had my fair share of small successes and what seemed at the time to be huge defeats. I’ve made and lost countless friends. I attended university for one year. I worked at several different crappy jobs during high school. It all sounds pretty bland.

Having said that, the more I think about it, the more extraordinary I become. I attended three different schools in Grade 4. I’ve worked in kitchens. I’ve helped build houses. I’ve cleaned toilets. I’ve lived in apartments, houses, rented rooms and 8 man tents. I’ve been to a war zone. I’ve been around the world. I’ve made the best of my mistakes, learning from every single one.

Through it all, there were times when I felt as though I should give up. For example, when I was seventeen I got my girlfriend, Johannah pregnant. Her parents banned me from their house and forbade her seeing me. My drama teacher pulled Johannah aside and told her that I would never amount to anything. Our school’s health nurse told us that we needed to have the pregnancy aborted. My daughter is now seven and lives with Johannah and I in an apartment in Halifax.

When I look back at who I’ve been and who I’ve become, I can only smile. Sure, there were hard times. But there were also great times. As I write this, I think of everyone else. Most people are just like me; they think they are pretty boring. They think they are no different than anybody else. They think they are not extraordinary. 

Bollocks, I say.

There are closed doors and pitfalls everywhere in life. While hindsight may be 20/20, the future always remains unknown. That’s what makes each and every individual heroic. The strength to knock those doors down…the power to pick yourself up after you fall, that’s where true greatness hides. It takes courage to wake up everyday and face the day, to face the unknown. It takes bravery to go out into the world and say “This is me. This is who I am.” 

Sure, we all have role models. We all have ideas that we’ve adopted from someone else. But we bring our own experience to each idea. We have chosen to believe the things we believe, and that by itself is an act of bravery. I feel like everybody should worry less about how they are seen by everyone else, and live for themselves. I’ve reached this conclusion, and I strive to live it every day. That’s why I would never want to be anyone else. I want to be the person that I want to be…and that’s exactly what I am.

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