Thursday, 12 April 2012

A Simpler Life

'Sup Cyberspace.

I've been unbelievably busy today. In fact, I was so busy I complete forgot about my blog. So I thought I would squeeze it in as soon as I remembered.

Today, although it will be brief, I want to discuss the hustle and bustle of most everyone's everyday. Almost every person I see seems to be stressed out about something - thinking about the mortgage payment, the next deadline, what to eat for supper, etc. Add to that all the things that are happening around the globe to think or worry about and imagine the effects of such constant stress and's not hard to come up with reasons for any or all of the problems we have as a society.

I think there's a simple solution. Everyone needs to take some time out of their day to just relax. I think it should a mandatory thing at work...a half hour per 8 hr shift of relaxation time - not lunch or a 15 min break - half hour to do whatever it is you need to do to unwind. It's already been proven that happy employees are much more productive employees - so why not give them a chance to get away? I know that I'm able to think better with a clear head...isn't it the same for everyone?

It doesn't have to be a boss or teacher that tells you to do this though. Take a half hour, put away your cell phone and read a book (or play guitar, or go for a walk, or whatever you want to do). It's probably the best advice I've ever been given. Giving your body even that small window to get away from wired nerves, constant pressure and quick caffeine rushes can only do it good.

Make some time for yourself. You'll end up thanking you.

Peace and Love
The Critical Stranger

As always thoughts, comments and suggestions are encouraged and appreciated!


  1. This blog post is exactly why I think schools should be teaching mandatory classes regarding stress management and nutrition (not the food pyramid please).

    The simple reason? Life is hectic.. for everyone.. yet very few people are taught proper techniques for managing stress. Schools, or at least, none that I know of, certainly don't teach it.


    I was reading a few days ago that there several hundreds schools in America that are adopting a meditation program. They will be implementing a mandatory 20 or 30 minute meditation session each day for all grades.

    I think the people graduating from said schools will be much, much better equipped to handle the stresses of everyday life... and they'll likely be smarter, happier, more compassionate and just generally a better generation of people.

    1. Absolutely! That is an amazing idea...there is no doubt of the positive effects of meditation - it's extremely well documented. Not to mention it also helps people learn to deal with their emotions, which is something that has been grossly disregarded.
