Hi Cyberspace.
Monday morning. Gross. I've never been much of a morning person...let alone on Mondays. So what's my cure for a case of the Mondays? As tired and beaten as the saying is - think happy thoughts! Of the many happy thoughts I have, one of the best is when I think of the woman I love. So, here's to you.
Since we met, you've given me a reason to be a better person. I look at you and think 'that's the person I want to be like...she's the example that everyone should follow.' You are compassionate, funny, easy going and absolutely beautiful inside and out. I love you for that.
I've always wanted to impress you, make you think of me...but most of all I've always wanted to make you laugh. Every time you smile, the room, the house, the street...the whole world gets a little brighter. You can change the whole complexion of a situation all by yourself, be it by bringing a more positive outlook, cracking a joke or giving love where it's needed. I love you for that.
I wish there were more people like you. I am cynical - you look for silver lining in every cloud. I am quite often dismissive of others - you make allowances for each and every person who touches your life. I have a small group of friends I keep close - you are that close friend for almost everyone that knows you. You inspire me everyday. I love you for that.
I don't think I would be here without you. You've always been there when I was in need. I feel perfectly comfortable talking to you about anything. I know that you will not judge me. I know that you will be completely honest, only giving me your actual opinion without trying to sugar coat it. I know that you are not afraid to speak your mind - you will always tell me when there's something bothering you. Honesty and sincerity are not easy traits to find in people nowadays - but I've found it in you. I love you for that.
Whenever I'm a little down, I look at you, I watch you with our
daughter...and I see love. This is a privilege that many of us don't
have - true love. I feel as though I have it; I feel as though I see it
everyday. You and I have been through a lot since we first met in high school - and I don't regret a single second of any of it. My life is better with you in it...through thick and thin; pleasure and pain; love and hate; heaven and hell. There's nobody that I would rather have by my side in any situation. I love you for that.
It still shocks me sometimes when I come home and have you greet me with a hug and a kiss. When I think of you, I can't help but smile. I can't believe that I found someone as great as you. You make every day of my life better - and I love you for that.
I love you
Peace and Love
The Critical Stranger
As always thoughts, comments and suggestion are encouraged and appreciated!
(Thanks to R.E.M. for the title)
What a beautiful exposition of Love! Anyone who knows the two of you is witness to your love and comittment to one another, which is an endless gift to your daughter :-)